Monday, July 20, 2009

Typos of the Week, July 12 through July 18

The list is going to be a little different for this week because I've been organizing the bowl, writing trivia, and planning for the trip I'm about to take pretty much as soon as I finish this post. I'll be back next Monday. There are three parts to this one: First are all of the typos nominated by other people in the past week. Second are the top ten from the first day, Sunday, July 12, but not ranked. Since I wasn't keeping track continuously throughout the week this time, I had to sift through logs, and it took so long just to get through Sunday that that's all you're gonna get. Third are the Bucc Bowl top nine (because that's how many pass my rigid standards of what makes a good typo :P).

In addition, I'd like you all to post your nominations for the coming week directly to the comments section in this post, since I won't be around to see any of them or to collect nominations by IM. Since this week's list heavily favors the weekend crowd, I hope someone's keeping close track of the weekday typos in particular. Just add them when something good comes up.

This is also a bit of a rush job, so no rankings... but the bunch of them from Sunday the 12th should give you an idea of just how much I end up paring the actual list down to get it to ten, at least during the weeks when I'm at a lot of trivia.

I. Nominated typos:

a. [10:57] Catherine Resch: fproemgert
[10:57] Karmel Kips: foreingier
[10:57] Quarters Bailey: foriegner
[10:57] Weniki Oh: oforreninger

b. [8:52] Rach Borkotron: amerghger

c. [13:31] JoshuaStephen Schism: s[poielberg
[13:31] Billy2Times Krams: steben sopeilbyerg

d. Mindy Moe shouts: Jodie Foster won an Oscar for which film?
[14:29] Cully Andel: silenc of the lamcs

e. [11:02] Hilda Static: rush sundicixion'ss

f. [18:35] Honey Potez: AD SLOGAN: "A little dab'll do ya."
[18:35] Sal Zulaman: Bryklscerq
[18:36] Olmstead Fanshaw: brylcleer'
[18:36] Edmond Oconnell: brycream

[07:31 PM] Lou Netizen: Spongebob sauarpants

II. From Sunday, July 12:

h. [2009/07/12 11:29] Cully Andel: WHO IS BOO BOO'S BEST FRIEND?
[2009/07/12 11:29] WavingMarcel Floresby: yogiuj
[2009/07/12 11:29] Hilda Static: yogi b erar

i. [2009/07/12 11:37] Cully Andel: WHAT DOES 'SCUBA' STAND FOR?
[2009/07/12 11:37] Lette Ponnier: self conteained underwater bretehin apapatus
[2009/07/12 11:37] Rain Ninetails: self contained underwater brathing appoaratus
[2009/07/12 11:37] Rekeorb Wezzog: self contatine dufneradwatere breathing apapratus
[2009/07/12 11:37] Honey Potez: self contantined underwater breathing apparatica

[2009/07/12 11:54] Chaddington Boomhauer: a====a ig

k. [2009/07/12 14:03] Sinnamon Sands: 11). ONCE KNOWN AS FAIRY FLOSS IN THE U.S., WHAT FOODSTUFF IS KNOWN AS "papa's beard" IN FRANCE AND "sugar wool" IN GERMANY?
[2009/07/12 14:04] Hilda Static: cotton vandu\

[2009/07/12 14:36] Lette Ponnier: south afficer
[2009/07/12 14:36] Sweejen Stourmead: couth afrcia

[2009/07/12 14:57] Lette Ponnier: austrlaia
[2009/07/12 14:58] AnaMaria Quintessa: austrial
[2009/07/12 14:58] Catherine Resch: austreaial
[2009/07/12 14:58] Rain Ninetails: authstroiala

n. [2009/07/12 19:05] Honey Potez: AD SLOGAN: "It keeps going, and going, and going...."
[2009/07/12 19:05] Clancy Huckleberry: engereiesr

o. [2009/07/12 19:39] Honey Potez: TV SHOW: "Who could take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile"
[2009/07/12 19:39] Sal Zulaman: mary tylelmorre

p. [2009/07/12 20:28] Lette Ponnier: What word describes both an incentive to save aluminum cans for recycling and the return of this money paid as security?
[2009/07/12 20:28] Hilda Static: de[osti

q. [2009/07/12 20:37] Lette Ponnier: "Draw one in the dark" is diner shorthand for serving what?
[2009/07/12 20:37] Lillian Shippe: b;ack vcoffer

III. Bucc Bowl top nine:

r. [2009/07/18 10:33] Lette Ponnier: Omar Fierro is the former host of the Mexican version of what game show that is called "Svoya Igra" in Russia, "Riesgo!" in Spain, and "Waagstuk!" in the Netherlands?
[2009/07/18 10:33] AnaMaria Quintessa: jeparfdy
[2009/07/18 10:33] JoshuaStephen Schism: jeapodfr
[2009/07/18 10:33] Chaddington Boomhauer: jeiprady
[2009/07/18 10:33] Rain Ninetails: heoipardy

s. [2009/07/18 10:38] Lette Ponnier: What is the name of a series of comic books released in 2001 based on a fictional comic referenced in two Kevin Smith movies?
[2009/07/18 10:38] Rekeorb Wezzog: bluntama nchrimomnic

t. [2009/07/18 10:43] Lette Ponnier: To be classified as a "true" mineral, a substance must be solid, arising from geological processes, and have what kind of structure?
[2009/07/18 10:44] Alanna Robbiani: crysat
[2009/07/18 10:44] Circe Falta: crystaLLINSDE
[2009/07/18 10:44] Olmstead Fanshaw: crystatla

u. [2009/07/18 11:02] Lette Ponnier: What was the nickname of the Bell X-1 plane that was the first to break the speed barrier?
[2009/07/18 11:02] Rosalyn Python: glamoursu genenis

v. [2009/07/18 11:25] Lette Ponnier: What metal was first discovered by amateur geologist William Gregor in Cornwall in 1791 and named for a race of powerful Greek deities?
[2009/07/18 11:25] Olmstead Fanshaw: titainmim

w. [2009/07/18 11:30] Lette Ponnier: What was the American horse Sir Barton the first to do in 1919?
[2009/07/18 11:30] Chaddington Boomhauer: tiprlecowrn

x. [2009/07/18 11:44] Lette Ponnier: The American Medical Association was founded in 1847 in what city?
[2009/07/18 11:44] Lou Netizen: Phildeophia
[2009/07/18 11:44] Cinna Xaris: phillidepghia
[2009/07/18 11:44] Starla Gurbux: philealopeh
[2009/07/18 11:44] Trebor Shelman: \pems\\\philly
[2009/07/18 11:44] Chaddington Boomhauer: phildaephliapa

y. [2009/07/18 11:48] Lette Ponnier: What Canadian province capital is located in the Red River Valley, in the south central portion of its province?
[2009/07/18 11:48] Olmstead Fanshaw: wimmpen g

z. [2009/07/18 11:50] Lette Ponnier: What sport did J.M. Barrie's amateur team the Allahakbarries play?
[2009/07/18 11:50] Starla Gurbux: cfricdqet


a. Foreigner
b. Armageddon
c. Spielberg
d. Silence of the Lambs
e. Rush, Subdivisions
f. Brylcreem
g. Spongebob Squarepants
h. Yogi Bear
i. self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
j. a pig
k. cotton candy
l. South Africa
m. Australia
n. Energizer
o. Mary Tyler Moore
p. deposit
q. black coffee
r. Jeopardy!
s. Bluntman and Chronic
t. crystal/crystalline
u. Glamorous Glennis
v. titanium
w. Triple Crown
x. Philadelphia
y. Winnipeg
z. cricket

Typos of the Week, July 19 through July 25, please post below:

Friday, July 17, 2009

Trivia Sans Culottes

Is it just me or is the trivia circuit becoming more, shall we say, nude? I'm aware of no fewer than three strip trivia games taking place these days, in addition to my own Chaos Trivia/Truth or Dare, which is seldom particularly buttoned up (and was most definitely not last night).

Of the strip trivias, the one I've been aware of the longest is held at Kokomo Beach on Wednesdays at noon and sometimes in the evening. A host asks questions, and if you answer correctly, you get to instruct someone else present to take off an article of clothing and choose which one they need to remove. I've only been once, but the group was great, the questions were fine, and everyone seemed pretty eager to get undressed. It was listed as only an hour long in Events, though, yet the event seems to have lasted longer than that, and I had to leave after the first hour to conduct emergency trivia elsewhere. Very friendly vibe, but if you're new there, you might not be comfortable asking others to take clothes off for you; they might also have reservations about doing the same to you.

Samantha Poindexter's strip trivia, which is now at Escort Island on Friday nights at 8:00, follows almost the opposite format. It's very, very different, but it's a great event in its own right. She has twenty-five questions, five in each of five categories, and I must say that she quickly became one of my Most Admired Hosts. She has tight questions with varying difficulty levels, and she's interested in testing people, rather than stumping them, a distinction that is actually built into the rules. Rather than the stripping being a reward for right answers, it's a penalty for wrong answers at Sam's game. If you answer incorrectly, you take off an article of clothing. Each player is only allowed one guess -- two if she needs to give a hint -- and if no one is able to answer the question even then, then she removes a piece of clothing herself for writing a question that was too hard. Sam also has one of the best trivia rules I've heard: "consulting the Web, and accusing other people of having consulted the Web, are both illegal. Let's keep it fair AND civil."

It's another fun one, with very nice people, and since you only have to undress yourself and not others, a layer of awkwardness is peeled away. The downside of this setup is that this strip trivia barely lives up to its name. If you don't want to lose your clothes, simply don't answer questions if you're unsure of the answer. I've even tried to come up with a wrong answer for every question I didn't know and still didn't get very naked.

Only one of the strip trivia games I've been to has disappointed. This one was at a club called ImpassioneD, and I saw it listed early Saturday morning last week. I zipped on over to check it out. A woman and two men were gyrating (clothed) on stripper poles on the stage, while several other people were dancing in sync on the floor. A trivia ball was in operation, asking L$5 questions. I was told that if I got one right, I could ask "a dancer or a close friend" to remove an article of clothing. I was the only one answering questions for a while, and so I began asking the dancers on the stage to take clothing off. They did not comply. They just continued dancing as if they hadn't heard me.

And they probably hadn't. All of the staff were in voice chat, talking amongst themselves. There was some attention to text chat going on, but inevitably they missed some of the local, especially, it seemed, mine and Rach's (at least my close friends undress for me when I tell them to :P). I didn't really enjoy the voice chatter at Triana's music trivia, and the same problem applied here. In both cases, machines were doing the talking when it came to the questions, too, which means that the host ends up having very little direct communication with the players.

Although there are ways to use voice during a trivia event effectively -- for instance, it's never bothered me when Reke chats about music over voice during Name That Tune because he's continually involved in text the rest of the time -- doubling it with questions generated by a trivia machine is not the way to go. Reke is also the only person using voice when he uses it, so he's not carrying on a separate conversation from the text-only people but speaking directly to the entire group each time he does it. It should be noted that the event in question is Name That Tune. It would be inappropriate for the host to use voice at all at a non-music trivia event or at an event where the questions themselves do not require hearing (another example where it would make sense is if the host plays audio clips or media without captioning).

Finally, there is a strip trivia event that no longer takes place but that merits mentioning because those who attended it seem to have enjoyed it when it was running. This is Zoey Bowie's game, and I never made it there, but here's my understanding of how it worked. All of the questions had two options, and the two sides of the room were designated A and B. When Zoey asked a question, players would have to choose one answer or the other and move to the appropriate side. If you turned out to be on the wrong side, you needed to remove a piece of clothing. If everyone guessed correctly, Zoey would do the removing. Oh, and you could only wear up to five articles of clothing.

With all these different variations on the core concept of stripping players down to their Redgraves and Rockberries, it makes me wonder what the draw is for so many people -- hosts and players alike. I thought of strip trivia as a concept last summer before I was aware that other games might already be taking place mostly because I like the idea of upping the stakes and taking risks. Also, the idea of a two-person, private strip trivia game is the sexiest thing that this trivia nerd can think of. I'm glad that Chaos emerged instead of a traditional strip trivia game because it's so different, but other organizers have found very distinctive and creative ways of getting smartypants out of their smartypants themselves.

Some people, I imagine, are voyeurs, and others are probably exhibitionists. Still others are probably on the perpetual lookout for new events to attend. There is also a necessarily interactive side to strip trivia. In games where you need to ask another person to undress, there is already more required contact between different players than if you're simply answering questions from a host. Even in those where the rules tell you when to strip, rather than another player, a good game will always have a lot of teasing and playfulness about it, as well as an open attitude toward newcomers (which I found to be the case at Kokomo and at Sam's but not at ImpassioneD). The interactive atmosphere might thus create a particular appeal for some.

In addition, there is one characteristic of strip trivia that seems to apply across the board, which is that they attract a large number of people who don't ordinarily play trivia. At Chaos, we get a good number of "trivia people," but there are also some who don't really go to any other games. When I choose questions for Chaos, they tend to be easier than the ones I choose/write for Bucc Bowl or Impromptu, specifically so that those non-regulars will know some. They still might not beat out the fastest typists, but at least they can try.

Do you go to strip trivia or anything comparable? If you do, what interests you about it? If you don't, what turns you off? Do you know of any games, past or present, that I didn't cover? If so, did they do anything exciting or innovative or notable?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Buccaneer Bowl this Saturday, July 18

Just to make sure everyone knows, the next Bucc Bowl is coming up this Saturday at 10am SLT. There are no major changes since last month, since last month went smoothly enough, nothin's broke, so we ain't fixin' nothin'. Except, perhaps, for grammar and the letter G.

I've heard from Shi-Razor's Edge, the Voracious Veridians, and Boomfirecirceschism so far. Please contact me with any other team entries as soon as possible. Like last month, new players who can't find a team earlier in the week are invited to come to the pre-game hour to find others who are looking for teammates. I can also help you connect with others between now and then.

The Triviators are still the reigning champions, and their most recent victory was quite a strong one. We'd like to see some other teams give them a run for their money this month.

Here are the standings from June:

First Place: The Triviators (Lotus Ceriano, Starla Gurbux, Alanna Robianni, Mako Kungfu)

Second Place: Into Bahrain (Catherine Resch, Ailin Triellis, Devin Velinov, Less Juliesse)

Third Place: Jeopardy Rejects (Amaranth Magic, Trebor Shelman, Darren Berithos, Belle Maidenshield)

Fourth Place: Frivolous Corsairs (Rain Ninetails, Lou Netizen, Nia Jinx, Sinnamon Sands)

Fifth Place: Boomfirecirceschism (Chaddington Boomhauer, Shale Nightfire, Circe Falta, JoshuaStephen Schism)

Sixth Place: Trumpton Trivials (Cully Andel, Maelstrom Janus, AnaMaria Quintessa, Stiggs McMinnar)

Seventh Place: Shi-Razor's Edge (Rekerob Wezzog, Honey Potez, Olmstead Fanshaw, Kay Darkwatch)

Eighth Place: The Stimolators (Stimo Goldshark, WavingMarcel Floresby, dinky Danick, Celeste Wisent)

Honorable Mention: Voracious Veridians (Browman Griffith (C), Cygnoir Blanc, Leyna Brandenburg, Billy2x Krams)

Now posting from:

Wen's Wicked Wednesday Trivia at Sharon's Diner

There is trivia at Sharon's most weekdays from 9:00 to 11:00am, but not always, so join the group and check the schedule.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Virtual Trivia Flickr Stream

We now have a central outpost for people to send their photos taken at trivia events. Go there to view, to join, to reminisce, to laugh, and/or to add to it.

Here's the URL:

And here's a sampling of stuff you can find there:

by Chaddington Boomhauer

by Lillian Shippe

by Mako Kungfu

by tapper Gopheller

by Lette Ponnier


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Typos of the Week, July 5 through July 11

11. Included for sheer mass typoage:

[15:02] Lette Ponnier: saspirn
[15:02] Chaddington Boomhauer: asiprijn
[15:02] Kiriaster Mirajkar: alspirin
[15:02] AnaMaria Quintessa: asprtin
[15:02] Vik Button: aspirine
[15:02] Fiz Laval: aspirein

10. [10:58] Rekeorb Wezzog: frunning ofabuls

9. Olmstead Fanshaw: satatuer of livbertyu

8. [23:20] Sal Zulaman: Guilkaina\

7. [18:34] Browman Griffith: boen andclyed
[18:34] Biker Galthie: bonnyue and clcye

6. [18:14] Ireland Nirvana: ANtony and clo\]
[18:14] Alaina Nightfire: cease leopatra

5. [19:00] Weniki Oh: milkywyta

4. [19:11] Mark007 Bloobury: blootherew wil,.e b blood

3. [12:24] Rain Ninetails: sal;m,pmn

2. the name "Robin" was bad luck for a few of us this week:

[13:08] Lette Ponnier: chrsiotphoer robinh

[13:26] Trebor Shelman: trobijn hi9iod['

[10:31] Lette Ponnier: srbin hod
[10:31] Cully Andel: roveet of loxlkey

And finally, two people who illustrate for us the Freudian Typo.

1. [12:32] Maggie Sewell: cocke


Honorable mention: [16:41] Thornton Writer: hot vulvan chick.. enterprise?



9. Jynks Clawtooth shouts: What famous structure was the first electrified lighthouse in the U.S.?

8. In September 2001 who told NYC, "The spirit of our city has never been stronger"?

7. [18:34] Jynks Clawtooth shouts: The most famous gangster couple in history, her last name was Parker and he was the anti-authoritarian criminal Barrow.

6. [18:14] Jynks Clawtooth shouts: After the death of her lover, this woman found true love. Though Egypt and Rome did not get along, these two people married in 36 B.C, planning to conquer Rome. Name them.


4. THERE WILL BE BLOOD. This answer, meanwhile, looks like it's gotten the milkshake treatment.

3. [12:24] Cully Andel: A SOCKEYE IS WHAT TYPE OF FISH




1. Kitten Nemeth: 13. "IT’S THE REAL THING"
COKE, of course. No one has a real cock in SL.



Please note that because this answer isn't correct, it doesn't quite make the typo list proper, but really, it pairs so well with Maggie's and hey -- it's Thorn! I had to put it in here someplace.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Announcement: Triviators Mega-Triv

Second Triviators Mega-Triv, Saturday 1:30pm, Sharon's Diner

Just in case you didn't catch any announcements earlier this week, for the second month in a row, the Triviators (Lotus Ceriano, Starla Gurbux, Alanna Robbiani, Mako Kungfu, and hopefully Nelly Swindlehurst) will be spending their Buccaneer Bowl winnings on you. Come to Sharon's Diner at 1:30pm on Saturday, July 11 (that would be today if you're reading this in time). They have L$2,000 to spill on you, and with several hosts asking questions, at least one of them will have stuff especially for you. Hope to see you there!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Personal Profile: Cinna Xaris and Karmel Kips, Part 2 of 2

Karmel hosting trivia at Lilly's

Lette Ponnier: So what do you both do in SL besides trivia? Karmel, you've mentioned being an MM [Midnight Mania] enthusiast?
Karmel Kips: Yes, I explore something for a while until I get my fill, and right now, still MM.
Cinna Xaris: Mainly I chat with friends, play Greedy or games like Zyngo and Gelliz. I'm a bit interested in learning more about creating things but still a total noob in that aspect of things.
KK: I think trivia is an enduring interest, though. Before MM i was checking out dance parties.
LP: Any you still go to?
KK: Yes, but less often than a couple months ago. My favorites are The Merry Pranksters, Alohas (Australian, not Hawaiian), and Club Arouse... very nice strip club.
CX: Yeah, I'm with Karmel on the enduring interest. So many places have trivia and each has their own style.

LL: That's a good segue, Cinna. What do y'all think about various styles? I have a question I've asked every time so far, but it seemed to make most people uncomfortable answering it the way I had it... so instead of asking what your favorite games are, I was wondering if you'd say which ones you tend to go to most.
CX: I think its nice having so many different trivia styles since each trivia goer is going to have a preference. I like the light hearted, slightly "crazy" ones best. DS, Inferno are always tops on my list. Zoobar and Monochrome are also on my weekly to do list.
KK: Hmmm, this is difficult because it is constantly changing .
LP: You try to make it to a range, Karmel?
KK: Yes, see how Double Standards has evolved just over the last month or so. So whatever I say about a certain event may be somewhat obsolete before it is read, with DS as only one example... Thorn's new formats, changes in hosting, changes in hours.
CX: That is one game I need to get too more, Thorn's.
KK: And other places change a lot too. The village – totally different than a month ago. New host, new room, new rules… new furniture lol.
CX: I haven't been over there lately either.

KK: I will say something in general about your question. The only thing that turns me off to a place is if I feel like it is always a typing contest. My computer is not that fast.
CX: I second that thought as well.
KK: It is frustrating to know the answer, type like mad, and be consistently 6th. Paying the first 3 is just salt in the wound. It is a combination of the difficulty of the question and who is there. When a lot of good players go, I probably won't attend much if the questions are like that. That is why I try to track who wins my questions and figure out why.

LP: How interesting! Have you figured out anything helpful so far?
CX: Investigative trivia hosting!
KK: Yes. But I'm not telling :) Just notice... a variety of people usually get my questions.
LP: Which is a very good thing!
KK: Uh oh, now I have to live up to that bragging.
CX: Same tends to be happening with mine, decent amount of spread on who wins.
KK: Great!

LP: You take a very organized approach to hosting.
KK: Basically I keep a lot of questions at the ready and do not have a set in order ahead of time.
CX: Ditto. I usually have them ordered before hand, but I've jumped around or totally tossed out a few questions at times.
KK: I think some hosts have a set and stick to it. I can understand because it is a lot going on to pick questions, too. I pull from the category I want at the time. Fast, slow, dull, funny, etc
CX: Tonight I won't have that option since I have a pattern I plan to follow. It’s just the red white blue. First question has something to do with red, and so on.

LP: Lotus recently posted in her blog about themed events. What do you two think of them, in terms of either hosting or playing?
CX: I actually just saw Lotus's blog today. I need to read her stuff. I like themes, but I wouldn't do every night as a theme.
KK: I agree with Lotus thinking they are generally not as good. I can't say I would never do one... mainly I think they turn more people off than attract people, but I could be wrong. I like to be inclusive. That is very important to me.
CX: I think Circe pulls off themes quite well at Inferno.
LP: For my part, I like loose themes... when all of the questions have a common thread but don't pander to any particular knowledge set.
KK: Yes, "theme" can mean different things.
LP: So for instance, I love how Sharon does themes... like it'll be "rats," but there aren't actually any questions about rats. Rather than confining the questions to a particular topic, the theme turns into a hint.
KK: Lotus and I had a bantering revolution theme today, but the questions were not exactly that subject.
LP: Yeah, that's a really good example of that sort of thing.
KK: Sharon is a master of the no theme theme, I think.
CX: I really need to check out Sharon's more often

LP: Which brings me to the next general question: if you have any role models or people you just generally admire around the circuit?
KK: Many.
LP: Heh... I should have included, "that you'd like to give a shout-out to."
CX: Ok, I have 5 to list. You Lette, since your events always are different - Bucc Bowl and Chaos are pretty innovative and have become staples.
Lette Ponnier blushes... thanks!
CX: Devin and Lucinda also, they are both pretty light hearted and I know their events will always be fun. Lou for always having a variety of questions that really make me think. And last but not least Circe - for pulling off the themed events so well and having such a way with words (even if her color trivias make my head explode).

LP: Excellent... well, that's everything I had planned.. was there anything either of you wanted to bring up?
CX: Please put the head exploding part in the blog. :P
KK: I think it is exciting how trivia seems to be exploding in popularity and there are many new events and formats. I am an explorer at heart and I think that is why trivia will be an enduring interest for me, since it continues to evolve.
CX: I have to say it is a TON of hard work. I really had no clue until I started hosting, usually I'm exhausted after the events.
KK: It is a surprising amount of work! Playing is easier and pays about the same.
LP: Oh... yeah, it is.... maybe we should start a Trivia Host Appreciation Day.
CX: Free vodka for trivia hosts!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Personal Profile: Cinna Xaris and Karmel Kips, Part 1 of 2

Cinna hosting at Double Standards

I thought I’d switch up the personal profile focus this time and talk to people who are new at hosting, rather than long-timers. Cinna Xaris at Double Standards and Karmel Kips at Lilly’s Pub began hosting on the same day a few weeks ago, so I thought I’d take advantage of the timing to talk with them both at the “front end” of the hosting gig. We headed to Artropolis, where we sat on deck chairs on the top of a hill, surrounded by open-air art galleries. The sim’s owner and renowned RL/SL artist Filthy Fluno flew in long enough to exchange hellos. The conversation had the tendency to veer off into lighter territory every so often, which meant I learned about Karmel’s kooking and the fact that Cinna and I have the same freezer contents.

Lette Ponnier: So let's start as we usually do, shall we? How did you both end up getting involved in trivia in SL? And that means as a player, since I know you were both playing and hanging out before hosting.
Cinna Xaris: Well during my first day or two in SL I stumbled upon Double Standards. I ran into two awesome ladies (Hummingbird and Lucinda) who were sitting there watching a movie. I was amazed by being able to watch a movie in SL, and sat down to join them. Right afterwards Luci was hosting a trivia and I stuck around....I got hooked.
Karmel Kips: I was exploring and found a place that paid 1L per correct answer auto trivia.

LP: Oh cool, so right at the beginning. And Karmel, that made you seek out other trivia places?
CX: Yeah, addicted young.
KK: So I was there and liked the auto trivia. I searched and found Double Standards. Lucky I found it since I love the smartass!
CX: Agreed!
LP: And then it was just snowball effect from there.
KK: Yes.

LP: And what eventually made you both decide to host?
KK: Lotus asked me!
LP: You hadn't thought of hosting prior to that?
KK: I was flattered to be asked to host at Lilly's. I hardly felt good enough to PLAY at Lilly's.
CX: I'd been thinking about giving it a try when I was off for the summer, then we found out Devin would be moving. Seeing as they needed someone to fill in I thought it would be a good time to try it out.

LP: Did you have any transition period or did you just jump in having an idea of what you were doing?
KK: Well, actually I really jumped because I was just experimenting with Sharon’s BYOT to see how I liked it. I had not thought about a real gig, just playing to see how to do it.
CX: Well I'd started thinking about applying to host at DS about 2 months beforehand, so I was watching the hostesses and how they handled trivias, and talking to Devin and Luci about it. However my first night I still was thinking, "Oh am I gonna pull this off!"
LP: Sharon's is kind of like an audition stage now.
KK: It is nice that she does that.

LP: Cinna, through observing others, what kind of things did you make mental note of in preparation?
CX: Well I picked up the idea that countdowns are good, and Devin gave me her gesture to use. Also since DS is a two hour event the host usually chats a bit in between questions.

LP: True, true... how about the content of the game? Question writing? Was it a struggle at all to start writing good ones?
KK: I thought a lot about the mechanics and practiced gestures and timing... but most important to me was the content of the questions. I have definite ideas about what makes good questions. 1) a range of categories. 2) include international questions. 3) make sure your questions are written so not the same person or couple of people get them all the time. 4) research so disputed answers don't happen. and 5) alternate easy and hard, so timing is fun.
CX: I saw different styles of content – sometimes there would be themes and other times random questions. I talked to people both at DS and other places about how they write questions – some use some trivia books and others use Wikipedia surfing or random knowledge they happen to know. I try to blend all that together when I'm hosting.

LP: That's an interesting last one, Karmel, because not everyone has a good sense of easy and hard, especially when it comes to stuff that is in your area of expertise or something you don't know anything about at all
CX: Yeah that is something I try to balance well in my games too.
LP: Are there topics that you feel more comfortable writing about?
KK: 5 was alternating fast and slow. :)
LP: Oh ok, not easy and hard?
KK: Kooking! Lotus suggested I pick a specialty Kategory, and I have a VERY large library of Kookbooks.

LP: Seems like people are increasingly developing signature... um... for lack of a better word, gimmicks, which I think is cute and fun. Do you cook (or kook) a lot?
KK: Every day :) Keep getting hungry every day.
CX: Yeah I'd be so done for at your trivias :P
Cinna Xaris is NOT domesticated.
LP: Is it what you do for a living? Or you just like preparing good stuff for yourself?
KK: I have my own business selling (not making) jewelry in RL.

LP: I used to cook all the time, but now I'm trying to balance a dissertation and an SL addiction, and I mostly eat frozen burritos.
CX: Omg Lette I live on those.
KK: When I decided what business to start in RL 15 yrs ago, I read some good advice: do not turn your hobby into a business or you will not have a hobby.
LP: Amy's, Cinna?
CX: Yes! The non-dairy ones.

LP: Same with me. That does sound like good advice, Karmel.
CX: Very true.
LP: Though I violate it all the time.
CX: Your hobby is your school project. As it’s becoming for me as well.
LP: Um, yeah... my dissertation is on SL. :/
KK: I thought your hobby was eroticism.
CX: I would love to read it someday when you have it done, Lette.
LP: Maybe I have many. Though that's interesting... didn't know I was "known" for that.
KK: I don't know what anyone else thinks
CX: You are.
KK: Only my own thought, Lette.
LP: Oh definitely, Cinna... with any luck, it'll be publishable, and I'll be trying to get everyone to buy it lol.
KK: lol

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Typos of the Week, June 28 through July 4

10. [18:28] JoshuaStephen Schism: smooth cirmisn'a;

9. [19:40] Ireland Nirvana: ELtong JOnn

8. [12:40] Geoff Novi: Amarmaix

7. [22:38] Lotus Ceriano: abomnablew
[22:38] Browman Griffith: abonibble
[22:38] Thornton Writer: abdominable
[22:38] Stevie Llanfair: Aboninable

6. [19:24] Olmstead Fanshaw: whati schernoboy;

5. [2009/07/03 17:34] Chaddington Boomhauer: nitgoerne

4. [19:39] Sal Zulaman: What is paiulanfi

3. [2009/06/28 19:49] Mako Kungfu: what is scnadla

2. [13:53] Maelstrom Janus: pterodactylsd
[13:53] Laertes Parx: ptsrodcatyl
[13:53] Cully Andel: ptesdadat

1. [19:08] Biker Galthie: frachw sc9tt ie67]

Samantha Poindexter hosts strip trivia Friday nights at 8pm SLT in Rhianna sim.

10. [06:27 PM] Billy2Times Krams: 6. "AS HE CAME INTO THE WINDOW
[18:28] JoshuaStephen Schism: smooth cirmisn'a;

9. [2009/06/29 19:40] Trin McMinnar: Clue 1: Born Reginald Kenneth Dwight on 25 March 1947.
[19:40] Ireland Nirvana: ELtong JOnn [or eL-Jo, as he's going by now]

8. [2009/06/28 12:40] Lebn Bucyk: It was probably the native language of Jesus
[12:40] Geoff Novi: Amarmaix [he spoke it in France]

7. [2009/07/04 22:38] Lette Ponnier: What synonym for horrible is also often used to describe the Yeti?
[22:38] Lotus Ceriano: abomnablew [blue Yeti]
[22:38] Browman Griffith: abonibble [edible Yeti]
[22:38] Thornton Writer: abdominable [Yeti with a six-pack]
[22:38] Stevie Llanfair: Aboninable [YILF]

6. [2009/06/28 19:23] Honey Potez: 1986 NUCLEAR EXPLOSION IN THE UKRAINE (CITY)
[19:24] Olmstead Fanshaw: whati schernoboy; [Blasted with radiation at a young age, Nik Blonsky soon developed supernatural superpowers! Now he fights crime. He is... Schernoboy!]

[2009/07/03 17:34] Chaddington Boomhauer: nitgoerne

4. [2009/06/28 19:39] Honey Potez: 1989 ARTIST WITH THE #1 HIT "STRAIGHT UP"
[19:39] Sal Zulaman: What is paiulanfi

3. [2009/06/28 19:49] Honey Potez: (GROUP) "The Warrior" September 22, 1984
[2009/06/28 19:49] Mako Kungfu: what is scnadla

2. [2009/06/29 13:53] Mako Kungfu: Q. In 1971, Hammer Films put out a teaser poster for a film in which Zeppelins battle against WHAT extinct flying reptiles?
[13:53] Maelstrom Janus: pterodactylsd
[13:53] Laertes Parx: ptsrodcatyl
[13:53] Cully Andel: ptesdadat

1. [19:08] Trin McMinnar: The Star-Spangled Banner was written by?
=> [19:08] Biker Galthie: frachw sc9tt ie67] [if you were trying to decipher this, just put your right hand on the row of keys above where they're supposed to be, and two-thirds of the typo will suddenly make sense]

I'd also like to give an honorable mention to this one:
[18:28] Rach Borkotron: smth cifkjDFSHL;dsj'

It's also "Smooth Criminal," like Josh's at #10, but it was such a disaster that I had to ask Rach if it were deliberate. Obviously, it would defeat the purpose of the typo feature to use intentional "typos." She assured me that it was genuine up until the caps lock kicked in, but thereafter it was indeed a joke. Either way, it had me snickering.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Event Profile: Charitable Bliss

I'll start by confessing that I put off checking out Charitable Bliss because the L$15-per-question payout did not constitute an especially persuasive pitch. And to be sure, with only around fifteen questions during the game, this is not the event to go to if you're trying to pay your rent. But curiosity won out, and as it turns out, the event fills a particular niche that might appeal to people hoping to ramp up their trivia karma.

In many ways, this is a pretty standard game: the questions follow broad themes (I was there for flag trivia and for television trivia), and as at Destiny's, longtime players will find them familiar; the crowd is perfectly nice and the music perfectly enjoyable; the sploder is perfectly splodery.

Charitable Bliss's distinguishing element, though, is right there in its name. This club's events are all geared toward raising money for the real life charities they support, currently the Breast Cancer Foundation and Autism Speaks. The club provides several means of contributing to these causes. You can donate money directly, of course, at displays on the premises. If you'd like something for your trouble, however, you can purchase women's clothing priced at L$25 per item provided by QT Clothing, including lingerie, casual apparel, and breast cancer ribbon pasties. Finally, if you'd really like some bang for your buck, you can participate in the ongoing silent date auctions for members of the staff, both male and female. Receipts on the walls indicate that they've managed to raise approximately US$65 for St. Jude and US$90 for Big Brother/Big Sister in recent months, which calculates to over L$40,000 in contributions.

Bliss's other main feature is to hook people up. From owner Jasmina Kline's description: "Looking for a date? Or true love? Charitable Bliss is here to help. People from all over come to our club to find true love. Whether it be a blind date, a charity date auction, or just to hit on the dancers. Everyone is welcome." (As an aside, this makes me want to conduct a dual interview with Jasmina and David Tuck, the other club owner on the circuit who aspires to be matchmaker to the masses.) So if courting members of your preferred sex(es) through out-answering, out-smartassing, or out-typoing them (or letting them do the same to you) hasn't been working out for ya, then maybe they can be of assistance over that-a-way.

As far as the trivia itself goes, as I said, there are no bells or whistles, no gimmicks, no huge payouts or goofy costume themes. The events have live DJs and dancers (not the stripping kind as far as I'm aware). Jasmina begins the game at half past the hour and moves at a brisk but not rushed pace thereafter. Both times I was there, the questions wrapped up in under 45 minutes. The time slot coincides with Double Standards' usual weekday slot, but the trivia is scheduled only two days a week, Mondays and Thursdays, so that with DS's currently abbreviated schedule, only one of those days poses a conflict.

Sample questions from the TV theme event:

[2009/06/29 16:39] Jasmina Kline: Q: What company was the original sponsor of I Love Lucy?

[2009/06/29 16:45] Jasmina Kline: Q: What is NBC's longest running soap opera?

[2009/06/29 17:05] Jasmina Kline: Q: What popular TV personality claims he was once fired as a weekend TV weatherman for describing a storm as having "hailstones the size of canned hams"?

Drop in at Charitable Bliss if you get a hankering for it, but take note that if my previous visits are any indication, the trivia will likely happen between 4:30 and 5:15, so don't arrive at 5:00 expecting a full hour to go. Those who are not specifically there for the trivia will still be around, and they're certainly fun to hang out with, but in case that's not you, just saving you that potential disappointment. I began with the admission that I am a bit of a payout snob, but after learning of Charitable Bliss's non-profit focus, I felt humbled. If you need someplace better to drop your lindens than the latest hair mega-sale -- possibly the lindens you just won from Jasmina -- Bliss provides an option.

The Specs:
=> Location: Charitable Bliss,
=> Times/Days: Mondays and Thursdays, 4:00 to 6:00pm SLT
=> Host: Jasmina Kline
=> Prizes: L$15 per question, 17 questions were asked the last time I was there

Answers to sample questions:
=> Philip Morris
=> Days of Our Lives
=> David Letterman
