Thursday, July 9, 2009

Personal Profile: Cinna Xaris and Karmel Kips, Part 2 of 2

Karmel hosting trivia at Lilly's

Lette Ponnier: So what do you both do in SL besides trivia? Karmel, you've mentioned being an MM [Midnight Mania] enthusiast?
Karmel Kips: Yes, I explore something for a while until I get my fill, and right now, still MM.
Cinna Xaris: Mainly I chat with friends, play Greedy or games like Zyngo and Gelliz. I'm a bit interested in learning more about creating things but still a total noob in that aspect of things.
KK: I think trivia is an enduring interest, though. Before MM i was checking out dance parties.
LP: Any you still go to?
KK: Yes, but less often than a couple months ago. My favorites are The Merry Pranksters, Alohas (Australian, not Hawaiian), and Club Arouse... very nice strip club.
CX: Yeah, I'm with Karmel on the enduring interest. So many places have trivia and each has their own style.

LL: That's a good segue, Cinna. What do y'all think about various styles? I have a question I've asked every time so far, but it seemed to make most people uncomfortable answering it the way I had it... so instead of asking what your favorite games are, I was wondering if you'd say which ones you tend to go to most.
CX: I think its nice having so many different trivia styles since each trivia goer is going to have a preference. I like the light hearted, slightly "crazy" ones best. DS, Inferno are always tops on my list. Zoobar and Monochrome are also on my weekly to do list.
KK: Hmmm, this is difficult because it is constantly changing .
LP: You try to make it to a range, Karmel?
KK: Yes, see how Double Standards has evolved just over the last month or so. So whatever I say about a certain event may be somewhat obsolete before it is read, with DS as only one example... Thorn's new formats, changes in hosting, changes in hours.
CX: That is one game I need to get too more, Thorn's.
KK: And other places change a lot too. The village – totally different than a month ago. New host, new room, new rules… new furniture lol.
CX: I haven't been over there lately either.

KK: I will say something in general about your question. The only thing that turns me off to a place is if I feel like it is always a typing contest. My computer is not that fast.
CX: I second that thought as well.
KK: It is frustrating to know the answer, type like mad, and be consistently 6th. Paying the first 3 is just salt in the wound. It is a combination of the difficulty of the question and who is there. When a lot of good players go, I probably won't attend much if the questions are like that. That is why I try to track who wins my questions and figure out why.

LP: How interesting! Have you figured out anything helpful so far?
CX: Investigative trivia hosting!
KK: Yes. But I'm not telling :) Just notice... a variety of people usually get my questions.
LP: Which is a very good thing!
KK: Uh oh, now I have to live up to that bragging.
CX: Same tends to be happening with mine, decent amount of spread on who wins.
KK: Great!

LP: You take a very organized approach to hosting.
KK: Basically I keep a lot of questions at the ready and do not have a set in order ahead of time.
CX: Ditto. I usually have them ordered before hand, but I've jumped around or totally tossed out a few questions at times.
KK: I think some hosts have a set and stick to it. I can understand because it is a lot going on to pick questions, too. I pull from the category I want at the time. Fast, slow, dull, funny, etc
CX: Tonight I won't have that option since I have a pattern I plan to follow. It’s just the red white blue. First question has something to do with red, and so on.

LP: Lotus recently posted in her blog about themed events. What do you two think of them, in terms of either hosting or playing?
CX: I actually just saw Lotus's blog today. I need to read her stuff. I like themes, but I wouldn't do every night as a theme.
KK: I agree with Lotus thinking they are generally not as good. I can't say I would never do one... mainly I think they turn more people off than attract people, but I could be wrong. I like to be inclusive. That is very important to me.
CX: I think Circe pulls off themes quite well at Inferno.
LP: For my part, I like loose themes... when all of the questions have a common thread but don't pander to any particular knowledge set.
KK: Yes, "theme" can mean different things.
LP: So for instance, I love how Sharon does themes... like it'll be "rats," but there aren't actually any questions about rats. Rather than confining the questions to a particular topic, the theme turns into a hint.
KK: Lotus and I had a bantering revolution theme today, but the questions were not exactly that subject.
LP: Yeah, that's a really good example of that sort of thing.
KK: Sharon is a master of the no theme theme, I think.
CX: I really need to check out Sharon's more often

LP: Which brings me to the next general question: if you have any role models or people you just generally admire around the circuit?
KK: Many.
LP: Heh... I should have included, "that you'd like to give a shout-out to."
CX: Ok, I have 5 to list. You Lette, since your events always are different - Bucc Bowl and Chaos are pretty innovative and have become staples.
Lette Ponnier blushes... thanks!
CX: Devin and Lucinda also, they are both pretty light hearted and I know their events will always be fun. Lou for always having a variety of questions that really make me think. And last but not least Circe - for pulling off the themed events so well and having such a way with words (even if her color trivias make my head explode).

LP: Excellent... well, that's everything I had planned.. was there anything either of you wanted to bring up?
CX: Please put the head exploding part in the blog. :P
KK: I think it is exciting how trivia seems to be exploding in popularity and there are many new events and formats. I am an explorer at heart and I think that is why trivia will be an enduring interest for me, since it continues to evolve.
CX: I have to say it is a TON of hard work. I really had no clue until I started hosting, usually I'm exhausted after the events.
KK: It is a surprising amount of work! Playing is easier and pays about the same.
LP: Oh... yeah, it is.... maybe we should start a Trivia Host Appreciation Day.
CX: Free vodka for trivia hosts!


  1. I've so enjoyed cohosting with Karmel and I know how good she is! I'm typing this comment from Double Standards, where Cinna is giving a great show and asking us some really good questions.

    Welcome to hosting both of you!

  2. I love making your Cinna's head explode :) But I think if I do any more color trivias, I'm fired. lol
