Saturday, June 26, 2010

TriviAid official events!!!


2:00 to 4:00pm SLT
Operation Squeegee Headquarters
Lotus Ceriano and Lette Ponnier host a game of culture-clashing trivia!
Lotus (U.K.) and Lette (U.S.) switch roles for the day, taking on each other's local knowledge. Win for knowing the answers to the questions, but also for catching their mistakes, as they try to stay in character.

6:00 to 8:00pm SLT
Lowered Expectations,
Billy2Times Krams hosts a trivia set on a variety of topics, often with an emphasis on pop culture.


5:00 to 7:00pm SLT
Operation Squeegee Headquarters
Olmstead Fanshaw and Honey Potez cohost a general knowledge quiz, with prizes for first and second place and for answers that make the hosts laugh!

7:00 to 9:00pm SLT
Club Scandalous,
Carter Leakey at Club Scandalous hosts themed trivia with music and dancing, with all of tonight's proceeds going to Operation Squeegee.


10:00am to 12:00pm SLT
Kokomo Beach,
Tequila Republic hosts strip trivia! Answer correctly and pick another player to take an article of clothing off. Strip for the Squeegee!

12:00 to 2:00pm SLT
Operation Squeegee Headquarters
Lacey Lukas and Clancy Huckleberry team up to take you flying on Can-Am! This quiz will feature questions on Canada from Lacey and the U.S.A. from Clancy.

5:00 to 6:00pm SLT
Honah Lee Field,
Jeanette Avedon's trivia quiz is not for those afraid to be stumped. Rise to the challenge at the cozy pub at Honah Lee Field.

6:00 to 8:00pm SLT
New Trivia Monkeys,
JoshuaStephen Schism and Circe Falta have been cohosting their Circeshcism game together for a while, with loosely themed questions (a recent example theme was World Cup trivia, with questions about worlds and cups but very little about soccer/football) and lots of head spinning.


9:00 to 11:00am
Sharon's Diner,
Maggie Sewell accompanies her general knowledge trivia with the prize wheel, which may award you up to L$1,000 for a single correct answer. Sharon's Diner is also packed with other trivia games and distractions.

11:00am to 12:00pm
Operation Squeegee Headquarters
Tequila Republic hosts, and you even get to keep your pants on.

12:00 to 2:00pm
Double Standards,
Cully Andel's "Random Trivia" game combines luck with knowledge, as each question has three winners, but not the first three players to answer.

2:00 to 4:00pm
Location TBA
bo Cordoso and Krogare Nyqvist step to the front of the stage to provide questions relating to their native Sweden. Trivia will be in English, designed for an international audience.

4:30 to 6:00pm
Azure Club,
Clancy Huckleberry hosts open chat trivia at Azure Club.

6:00 to 8:00pm
Honey Potez and Mako Kungfu trade off delivering questions on a chosen theme (recent example themes include everything orange and things that fly).


9:00 to 11:00am
Operation Squeegee Headquarters
Sharon Scofield comes up with some oblique trivia to put a spin on a topic you probably thought would be straightforward (a recent example is sunny day trivia).

6:00 to 8:00pm
New Trivia Monkeys,
Billy2Times Krams hosts a trivia set on a variety of topics, often with an emphasis on pop culture.


10:00 to 11:30am SLT
Double Standards,
Thornton Writer hosts with three winners per question, plus a caboose prize to the last person with a correct answer before time is called. The questions are brainy, the pace is rapid, the prizes are generous.

4:00 to 6:00pm SLT
Operation Squeegee Headquarters
Shale Nightfire and Chaddington Boomhauer bring their offbeat Shotgun Trivia to the OpSquee stage, with trivia questions that hit on a huge range of difficulty levels. Frequent topics include current events and SL.

7:00 to 8:00pm SLT
Sharon's Diner,
Browman Griffith brings his HUD-based strip trivia to the diner. No need to be the fastest typist, as players answer multiple choice questions, with the winner randomly chosen. If you answer incorrectly, you lose an article of clothing.


4:00 to 6:00pm SLT
Llyr's Fish Market,
Juke Badger hosts Flying Badger Trivia from his hot air balloon at Llyr's Fish Market. Many different topics are bound to be covered!

6:00 to 8:00pm SLT
Operation squeegee Headquarters
Samantha Poindexter and Triana Caldera split up the shift, with Sam hosting the first hour and Triana hosting the second, bringing her music trivia -- the oldest trivia event in Second Life -- to the OpSquee stage. Speed-typing is not required for either of these quizzes.

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