Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Announcements - Seeking Contributors

So y'all might have noticed (or maybe not) that my productivity has fallen in the past couple of weeks. I've also been cutting back on trivia time a little, so if you miss me at events that I used to come to religiously, it's because I have a dissertation that needs attention sometimes, too. :)

I've been meaning to ask this for a couple of weeks now, but I'm interested in getting additional contributors to this blog for two main reasons. First, because keeping up a regular posting schedule is time-consuming, and I kind of knew I wouldn't sustain the energy forever; and second, so my opinion doesn't get presented as quite so monolithic on those topics that are opinion-focused. My views are merely that, and it might be good to bring in some point-counterpoint.

If you're interested in blogging on this page, please contact me in-world, and we'll chat about what kind of stuff you want to write and how often you think you can contribute. If you even have just one article you want to post, I'm happy to talk with you about it. If I don't hear from anyone (or possibly even if I do), I'll probably begin asking different people around the trivia circuit to interview each other or something of the sort, just to get things mixed up around here a little bit more.

Thank ya much, and I'll see y'all around!

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