Sunday, May 31, 2009

Personal Profile: Chaddington Boomhauer and Shale Nightfire, Part 1/2

Lette Ponnier: Could you both tell me how you ended up doing trivia in SL? Were you doing other stuff in SL first?
Chaddington Boomhauer: I was doing random stuff before trivia, mostly being confused at how to do things, and how-to classes on SL at TUI, NCI, classes on building, land, clothes, etc. Definitely useful. After figuring it out, I was looking for stuff to do, and had played trivia online elsewhere so searched for it.
Shale Nightfire: Friends had told me about SL and in a way that made me scared of all the sex-fiends I would come across. I've played trivia in other places too so I searched for it on SL, and found that the trivia people are a really good crowd!

LP: Were you both involved in other virtual worlds before SL?
CB: I played NTN and pub quizzes, I BBS'd, played trivia in IRC.
SN: Similar for me, plus hosting in real life venues.

LP: Were there any particular spots you found early on here when you started looking?
CB: Cafe Trivia would always come up first in my searches. The Shelter one was one of the first ones I went to that wasn't Gogomodo.
SN: I think I tried all of the Gogomodo spots that were listed when I started and found a few that had good people to talk to and a nice atmosphere. The Angry Penguin Tavern was one of my early favourites, and the campfire at AMS.

LP: Another question that is sort of related has to do with your creating Shotgun. It started in the fall, right?
CB: I think October but I'm not sure.
SN: We had been planning to open up our own trivia spot for a long time, but I was away for the summer. We bought Zoo La La in August; our first Shotgun Trivia was September 5th. In October we started having it in the Zoo Bar, but we still hold it on the mountain or the waterfront.

LP: What were your goals for it? It’s a higher paying game than average. Was it your intention to create a game that stood out for that reason?
CB: I think the prize money was to make sure people came at first.
SN: We got our own land so we could be creative - to build and experiment. Plus to have our own Gogomodo spot and host fast-paced trivia contests, since we had been to some slow ones. Games where you can learn something and have some fun. We found that the higher prizes do bring out a more competitive crowd, but it isn't so much about the actual money.
CB: Ones where you go nuts waiting 3-5 minutes between and it's not that talkative are annoying.
SN: A lot of the winners are other trivia hosts, who then give out money in prizes too.
CB: I do like some where it's slower and not much money, but mainly because of the people talking between questions.
SN: We did try holding Molasses Trivia btw. It wasn't as popular.
CB: Shelter trivia is fun but feels very slow compared to other ones. I got there from NCI. It's a good place if you need some help with SL.

LP: Do you still go to NCI?
CB: Yeah I became an NCI helper.
LP: What does that involve?
CB: Just sitting around answering whatever people ask or helping them with an immediate issue like box on head, can't stop dancing, where is my penis, etc.

SN: We have had classes at Zoo La La primarily for newbies; we do like to pass on what we learn, whether it's trivia or SL information. Usually the Q&A format was most popular.
CB: Open Q&A for Newbies and Slex 101. There is a sex kit now to give to people urgently in need of slex. With free parts, landmarks.
SN: We didn't have live demonstrations, but we had volunteers! It was just a basic intro and where to go next. Tastes really vary, so we weren't going to address them all. The reason we did some of these special newbie classes was due to a huge influx of people that happened following media attention about sex on SL. So many people were signing up with the wrong impression, that we wanted to do something to help the situation.
CB: SL seems a bit small because of that, I go somewhere I see in a blog then notice half my Flickr contacts posted pics of it a few days before.

LP: There's one topic I wanted to bring up, but I didn't actually come up with a way to phrase the question. I recently joined the ranks of a special class of citizens of whom Chadd is a part as well: those who have been banned from Marine Park.
CB: heh
SN: Well, can I say something about that then? With respect to several events that have happened at trivia contests over the last couple of months...

As hosts, we've rarely had problems at our events. In fact, the only occasion we've ever had to ban a trivia player at the Zoo Bar happened two weeks ago. This was only after the player in question (not a regular) insisted on ignoring all the rules and causing a fuss that was disruptive to other players. Even after the ban, we made every attempt to be fair and to resolve the situation.

While I agree that landowners and hosts have the right to ban; moderation, tolerance, understanding and rational behaviour would be nice to see. In my opinion, responsible management includes clearly articulating a venue’s rules and/or customs. When ejecting/banning is necessary, it should be accompanied by an explanation. It would be nice if people were judged by their own individual actions, not those of their friends. Although yes, an influx of players arriving en masse to a new event who appear to be acting as a group could provoke defensive behaviour.

As for MP, I wasn’t even in attendance when Chadd got banned from MP, so I was bewildered when I was ejected from the group. When I asked the owner what happened, I got no response whatsoever. Hrm.

CB: I think they're within their rights. They act weird about everything, there's a weird vibe there, so strange, inexplicable bans don't seem too surprising. I guess I'm lucky: I know exactly why they banned me, and they warned me twice before they banned me, even told me if I behaved I could stay. But I think everyone should be free to make whatever whacky rules they want. There is a trade off between sucky events and wanting the prize money. Missfortune made me realize it is better to try to decide based on the fun or challenge involved and not the money
SN: It's "only SL," but it's all too easy to click a couple of buttons and hurt a lot of feelings. On the other hand, almost all of the regular games I attend have very tolerant hosts and focus on the fun. It's great to see, too, when hosts put a lot of effort into their questions so you leave knowing you learned something new.

Come back tomorrow -- same time, same place -- for the conclusion of "Buccy Goes To the Zoo." :)

Shale and Chadd hosting Shotgun at Zoo La La

Except where otherwise noted, all photos were taken at Midsomer Isle,

Shotgun Trivia:
=> Times/Days: Saturdays, 3:00-5:00pm; Chadd and Shale also sometimes announce games at other times during the week in the Zoo Bar group
=> Location: Zoo La La,
=> Prizes: Shotgun prizes are usually L$100 per question in the first round of ten questions; players can donate money to the bonus round kitty, and the hosts calculate the prize amount for the remaining questions. Other games at Zoo La La are subject to variation.


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